Thursday, July 12, 2007

After Mosque Battle, Musharraf’s Troubles Persist

Pakistani students who had been detained during the standoff at the Red Mosque in Islamabad were released Wednesday and handed over to their relatives after government forces seized control of the mosque.

The Pakistan dilemma.....

“Those are the very questions that will have to be sorted out: Is this going to be the first shot across the bow, or was this a one-off he was compelled to do because the script went wrong?” said, Najam Sethi, the editor of The Daily Times. “That is not clear at the moment.”

On the issue of the Red Mosque...

The Red Mosque enjoyed decades of government backing but lately had become a source of embarrassment for General Musharraf as its leaders used their students to carry out Taliban-style antivice campaigns. Mr. Haq told the privately owned Geo television network on Tuesday night that it had become a sanctuary for militants from other parts of the country.

“I with much regret have to say that this was a hub for all types of terrorists,” he said. “Anyone involved in any unlawful activity anywhere used to get protection here.”

He did not explain why the government, armed with this knowledge, had not taken action until a week ago.

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