Thursday, September 13, 2007

Iraqis have mixed feelings on U.S. progress report

"The Americans are and will remain occupiers and hated," said Abu Jabir, a receptionist at a Baghdad hospital. Jabir, expressing a thought heard frequently among Iraqis from all backgrounds, said the U.S. invasion in March 2003 had done a good thing in overthrowing the regime of Saddam Hussein. But he said the occupation had planted the seeds of sectarianism and it was time U.S. troops became less visible so Iraqis could begin taking charge.

"A quick American pullout is not good, as civil war may flare," he said. "I think they should stay, but avoid the streets. Yes, we want them, but only as a backup and cover for our security."
"It didn't show the negative things on the ground, but it showed the positive things only. We are rejecting it completely," said Abdul Mehdi Muttari, a spokesman for the Sadr bloc in Najaf, a Shiite city south of Baghdad.

"There is nothing new that it was going to tell us," said Allawi, whose Iraq National Accord holds 22 seats in the parliament. "What's going on here is not that good: sectarianism, violence, no institutions, services almost totally halted."

A few minutes earlier, a loud bomb had gone off at a busy intersection about half a mile from his Baghdad office. Police said the blast killed one civilian and injured five.


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