Thursday, May 17, 2007

Immigration Bill Passed by The Senate

I guess the left talking point is that we want to bring the illegal immigrants out of the shadows while on the right we are giving them amnesty. We will see just how well this bill works, I gotta wonder just how many heads of households are going to return to their country of origin and then re-apply to come into this country.

Paying a fine of $5K? How many illegals are going to shell out that kind of cash to a government they don't trust and has not shown they want to help their situation.

Will this new bill address the difficulties illegals have assimilating to our country or will it address the need to speak English in order to move up the economic food chain. How about solving the actual costs illegals put on the economy as a whole. We need the labor as food service and other industries have shown, but how do we build the trust needed to get those who came into our country illegally to feel that they are actually a part of it.

If you come into this country to work, create wealth for others, and make this country better does it really matter how you entered?


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