Thursday, June 28, 2007

U.S. Faces More Distrust From World, Poll Shows

“Anti-Americanism since 2002 has deepened, but it hasn’t really widened,” said Andrew Kohut, director of the Pew Global Attitudes Project. “It has worsened among America’s European allies and is very, very bad in the Muslim world. But there is still a favorable view of the United States in many African countries, as well as in ‘New Europe’ and the Far East.”

Nonetheless, majorities in many countries reject the main planks of current United States foreign policy and express distaste for American-style democracy, the survey found.

Respondents worldwide not only want the United States to pull its troops out of Iraq “as soon as possible,” but also seek a rapid end to the American and NATO military intervention in Afghanistan, now in its sixth year. The poll found growing wariness toward other major powers as well. Concerns over China’s economic and military might have tarnished its image in many nations, the poll found, and confidence in President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has dropped sharply.

The survey was conducted in April and May in the Palestinian territories and in 46 countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas, and includes more than 45,000 respondents. It found that concern about global warming has soared in the last five years. Most respondents agree that the environment is in trouble and most blame the United States and, to a much more limited degree, China, according to the survey.

Negative views of Iran have intensified, including in some Muslim countries, the survey found, and respondents in almost all countries surveyed expressed overwhelming opposition to acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran.


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